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- 科柏斯學員 A. L. 經過兩個月的1on1 Business Application Training (商務應用訓練),馬上有感 。05/03/2016

上了Amy老師的八堂聽讀理解+口說英文課,特別喜歡老師的補充教材,主題式地補充新資訊,讓我上課中額外學習許多新內容。我也喜歡Amy老師上課時分享的豐富外國文化資訊。- P.T. 22/10/2015

Really enjoyed the lesson. Structured, conversation focused and plenty of opportunity for me to practice speaking.  Time went by v quickly - a good sign. - V.T. 31/08/2015

谢谢老師的课, 挺有意思!

祝你有一个美丽的星期!- S.N. 23/03/2015

真謝謝妳花了時間,為了我們在課堂上準備納些補充教材,同時也很耐心的重播聽力,再一一詳解端倪,讓我把艱難枯燥的學習,化為不畏懼而樂趣的學習,雖然我在英文上仍備感壓力,但我仍由衷感謝妳。 I am grateful to you. - Tammy 28/09/2015

Amy was very patient and never got even slightly frustrated with me. - R.B. 10/10/2014

Tsai laoshi hen hao. Wo he ta xue le hen duo. I could pratice listening, speaking, making the question in chinese with her. She was very patient writting the question in chinese. It is very importnat to know the questions, how they are written in order to learn them and to understand well the questions and to make the right answers. Xie xie lao shi. - H.B. 24/10/2014

Great lesson. The teacher was making sure that I understood everything and pronounce words correctly. - N.C. 24/10/2014

Very productive class, learned a lot. - J.G. 26/10/2014

谢谢, 老师. I really appreciate your patience and the time you took to help me start my voyage with Chinese. :)

Amy I truly enjoy your classes. You have patience and you know how to direct a student very well. Thank you so much for teaching me. Hope to get you very often as a consultant. Have a great day. :) - T.C. 05/11/2014


很難的課! 真正幫進步 - G.L. 23/11/2014

Very good teacher. V.Friendly. 他很會教中文 - G. J. 23/11/2014

Amy, I enjoyed this class and felt challenged. Although I did not understand everything you said, I appreciate the opportunity to hear Chinese spoken at a normal pace. I don't get the chance to hear it otherwise. Thanks for a great session! - D.R. 25/12/2014

Amy did well and answered all my questions. Good teaching technique - T.K. 05/01/2015

Amy was outstanding. Great teacher and very encouraging. - J.B. 13/01/2015

You are such a good teacher! - R.C. 16/01/2015

Amy I really love your classes. You make it easy to learn Chinese. Thank you so much for your time, patience and above all knowledge. Your classes are 很 好! :) 再见! - T.C. 17/01/2015

You are a fine consultant! You're really easy going and have a really nice attitude when correcting me! Thank you! Hope to see you again! - A.A. 20/01/2015

Outstanding teacher!! - J.B. 27/01/2015

very useful lesson , Amy is very pleasant to work with. - H.M. 15/02/2015

Amy, thanks for challenging me. You are a great teacher! Hope to see you again! - D.R. 07/05/2015

Thanks Amy for a very useful and great lesson today. I love Japanese food so hopefully I can order it properly and not just point to the menu :) - V.M. 15/09/2015

Thank you Amy, I enjoyed that session. The course material was not challenging but you made it interesting by concentrating on my listening practice which I need. So a good session. See you again soon i hope. - J.F. 15/09/2015

Good speaking speed. It was slow enough that I could ask questions and make sure I didn't miss anything. Also, thank you for showing me how to download the materials. I never knew that before! - J.B. 16/09/2015

Amy was a very good teacher! She was super nice and very interactive. She had a very good flow with her teaching style, immersing examples and questions in that fit what each slide was teaching. She also was very patient and answered all my questions. I highly recommend her to any other student! - A.P. 30/09/2015

Amy is a very good teacher. She is very involved while teaching and gives relevant notes. I like to study with her. Thanx Amy - Y.S. 30/09/2015

Really enjoyed the lesson. Structured, conversation focused and plenty of opportunity for me to practice speaking.  Time went by v quickly - a good sign. - V.T. 31/08/2015

谢谢老師的课, 挺有意思!

祝你有一个美丽的星期!- S.N. 23/03/2015

真謝謝妳花了時間,為了我們在課堂上準備納些補充教材,同時也很耐心的重播聽力,再一一詳解端倪,讓我把艱難枯燥的學習,化為不畏懼而樂趣的學習,雖然我在英文上仍備感壓力,但我仍由衷感謝妳。 I am grateful to you. - Tammy 28/09/2015




Corpus International Language Training Centre provides not only English lessons but also Mandarin Chinese lessons. Online training is one of our features, too. Please contact our bilingual Education Consultants to arrange a counselling session.

準備好體驗革命性的教學系統了嗎?請洽 科柏斯 教育顧問群 (Education Consultants) 預約諮詢!


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諮詢Email: mytsai27@gmail.com

線上諮詢:Skype: amy.tsai27

諮詢開放時間:週一~週五 上午9.00 至 下午9.00;週末及例假日 上午8.00 至 下午2.00


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