有鑑於陸陸續續有許多學員對科柏斯的 1on1專業諮詢服務 以及 教育顧問的訓練時段 有興趣,


Below you can find availabilities of Corpus Education Consultants, Corpus Teaching Consultants and International Educoation Consultants, i.e. unmarked time slots are those available.

目前 2016年4月 科柏斯所有顧問可預約時段快速減少中。


Please note that April training sessions with Corpus Teaching Consultants are fully-booked!!!

For learners who are interested, please contact Corpus Education Consultants through filling up our 1on1 Consultation Form @http://goo.gl/forms/c8Za4xu3so

By end of April, Corpus Training Sessions are only available for booking by our VIP learners.

感謝大家的支持~Thank you for all your support.

As the April 2016 timetable suggests, Corpus consultants' available slots are booking out fast . Please do contact through our 1on1 consultation form (here) as early as possible to avoid disappointment! :)

April 2016 schedule_110416.jpg.png

Corpus International Language Training Centre provides not only English lessons but also Mandarin Chinese lessons. Online training is one of our features, too. Please contact our bilingual Education Consultants to arrange a consultation session.

準備好體驗革命性的教學系統了嗎?請洽 科柏斯 教育顧問群 (Education Consultants) 預約諮詢!


諮詢電話:02-2608-7206 (Intl: +886 - 2 - 2608-7206)

諮詢Email: mytsai27@gmail.com

線上諮詢:Skype: amy.tsai27

諮詢開放時間:週一~週五 上午9.00 至 下午9.00;週末及例假日 上午8.00 至 下午2.00


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